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Your Guide to Successful Affiliate Onboarding Like a Pro

Consider sending a survey to affiliates that have recently joined your affiliate program and completed onboarding, typically after their first conversion or commission payment. This affiliate onboarding survey should be focused primarily on the signup and onboarding process. The steps you use for onboarding adequately prepare affiliates to be successful in promoting your brand.

By improving your onboarding process, you can set your affiliates up for success, increasing your own revenue in the process. This aspect is often overlooked, but it’s essential to an effective program. Companies with great onboarding programs see 2.5% more revenue growth and 1.9% of the profit margin as against companies with poor onboarding processes. If that’s not enough motivation, the former also leads to higher productivity levels and faster knowledge acquisition rates. The Aberdeen Group report found that high-performing organizations are nearly two-and-a-half times more likely than lower-performing employers to assign a mentor or coach during the onboarding process.

You don’t want to take up too much of your affiliates’ time, so make sure to keep forms brief and make them as easy as possible to fill out. Getting paid is important for any affiliate, and when they join a bespoke, independent program, it might be something they’re concerned about. Use this time to collect all the information you need to make the payment process seamless, and show that timely, consistent payments are important to you.

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It’s another important phase of onboarding since it directly correlates to how successful employees will be in other aspects of their jobs. When the new hires have a crystal-clear idea of what’s expected of them, they’ll do their job with more confidence. While in-person introductions are recommended, you can have different strategies for other elements of orientation.

Creating processes or making changes based on your intuitions or insecurities can lead to significant money leaks, while you can access the powerful tool – the data. We’re a bit sceptical about these onboarding statistics, as it depends on how we define “onboarding”. The companies that claim to onboard people in one day are rather just doing “orientation”, which is just a phase of the onboarding process. Usually, orientation begins on the new employee’s first day and can last up to a week. Learn more about establishing a successful affiliate program by working with LeadDyno. Try our services free for 30 days to see what a big difference an affiliate program can make in expanding your brand’s reach.

B. Onboarding Stage 1

In the U.S., organizations face an average turnover rate of about 22 percent, according to the 2019 North America Mercer Survey. That’s a costly trend considering that companies spend between one-half and two times employees’ annual salaries to replace them. The first six months are the most critical time after hiring new employees because that’s when 31 percent of new hires are likely to leave, according to a Bamboo HR survey. Mailchimp‘s cultural onboarding experience takes place in person for the first week, but really the onboarding lasts for three months. This gives employees a better understanding of what the team does and what their role is, along with how they can do the job effectively. As soon as new employees receive a job offer, they can also receive access to the company’s online onboarding portal, said Hyatt.

How long does affiliate onboarding take

After that, most new employees will be settled in enough to fly solo. In your research about onboarding, you’ve probably came across another metric – time to productivity. An onboarded employee is the one making meaningful contribution and still has potential to reach full productivity. Time to productivity measures how long it takes for employees to become operational and productive. It is the time between the first day of hire and when the employee is contributing fully to the organization and reaching full productivity.

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This can include gaining a general understanding of the company and how it functions, setting up their computer, or meeting with the team. On the first day, the new employees are given a tour of the main office after which they complete the paperwork. They’re also given their onboarding schedule for the week that has free lunches, department overviews, and discussions explaining Mailchimp’s targeted audience.

How long does affiliate onboarding take

You don’t want affiliates becoming disengaged to the point where they stop participating. Onboarding helps your new inductees become familiar with the ins and outs of your affiliate program. It’s an opportunity to educate affiliates about the goals set for their participation in the program and the expectations for promotional efforts. Culture of knowledge sharing and continuous learning – driving innovation and growth for both individual employees and the company as a whole. With training technologies such as a digital adoption platform like Whatfix, organizations are able to create step-by-step guided tutorials to embed directly into their digital applications and processes.

Monitor Employee Retention

Employee self-service tools provide a modern alternative to printed handbooks and time-consuming meetings. Instead, you can collect e-signatures, distribute new hire welcome packets, and build personalized onboarding plans, all within an app new hires can navigate independently. Your motive here is to make them more involved and productive, as well as provide lots of feedback to smoothen their transition. If your onboarding is solely a transactional process, it won’t connect employees to your company.

The length of your onboarding program can significantly impact how long your employees stay with your company. Depending on your company, the culture of one department may be significantly different than that of another. Transferred employees don’t want to feel like a newbie in an organization they’ve worked at for years. Videos can help streamline the onboarding process and provide a more engaging employee experience.

Give them a “buddy” employee

New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the team. One thing we say all the time at AffiliateWP is that it’s one thing to create an affiliate program, it’s another to successfully grow it. You can create a program in a few minutes, but to grow it, you need tools that give your affiliates what they need to succeed. What your affiliate onboarding should aim to do is cut the learning curve so your affiliates get that feeling of making sales more quickly.

How long does affiliate onboarding take

“While it’s important to get your new hire ramped up and productive quickly, you also need to make sure you provide on-the-job training in a manageable flow,” he said. “A well-designed, fun and engaging onboarding process has a significantly greater effect on employee engagement and retention when compared to the old-school mentality of one-day orientation,” she said. In fact, most companies in the US only spend 1-2 weeks on the employee onboarding program, which is a huge mistake.

While employee handbooks serve as a handy guide and reference for company policies and procedures, they aren’t as engaging. The orientation phase introduces the new hires to your organization, senior management, and colleagues. It paints a clear picture of what your organization stands for and sets expectations for your new talent.

Establish an Affiliate Program Onboarding Checklist

Provide affiliates with an email they can send all affiliate-related questions and inquiries to. This could be a dedicated email address for your affiliate program, or the email address of your affiliate manager or team members overseeing your program. Either way, have one email that affiliates know to contact when needed. With Tapfiliate’s Pro Plan, set custom onboarding fields to easily gather more information about your affiliates. For example, For instance, you can ask affiliates to provide their social media handles and what channels they plan to promote on.

You’ll see what you need to find out how long it takes your new hires to be productive, and how productive your new hires are. To calculate average time to onboard in your organization, you can count the number of days between thecandidate’s acceptanceof your offer and the time a new employee begins to make ameaningful contribution. They may need help understanding the basics or require additional training on different tools. Try and provide them with the best affiliate marketing software available to make it easier for them to set up promotions. Each new affiliate you bring into your program will have unique skills and strengths.

  • Once approved , you’re acct will reflect affiliate status and you can start setting up channel points, emotes, etc.
  • If you’re looking for ways to improve onboarding, BambooHR can help.
  • Strike the right balance between an onboarding program that integrates new hires so they can quickly start contributing, while also providing opportunities for continued training.
  • Another thing that influences onboarding duration is the availability of collaborative learning opportunities.
  • Overall, only 29 percent of new hires felt they were prepared and supported to excel in their new role.

But despite the benefits of an employee-focused onboarding process, many businesses fail to deliver a good experience. Most new hires expect to complete more than 50 tasks in their onboarding process—with a focus on new hire paperwork and administrative hurdles. This aligns with what 58% of organizations report—their onboarding programs are focused on processes and paperwork. Only 37% of businesses say their programs last for more than 30 days. Boston Consulting Group, companies with great onboarding programs grow revenue 2.5x faster and have 1.9x better profit margins, in comparison to organizations with poor employee onboarding processes. According to Digitate, a negative onboarding experience makes new employees twice as likely to look for other opportunities.

Instead, look for ways to adapt your new hire onboarding process into a reboarding process that gives internal hires the training, feedback, and socialization they need to be successful. On this blog, he mainly shares insights gained from discussions with selected experts and from helping our customers set up and improve their onboarding or learning programs. Another reason why Mailchimp’s onboarding is so effective is that the management is always open to feedback and iteration to create a more impactful experience for the new employees. We highly recommend holding more one-on-one feedback sessions, check-ins, and scorecard reflections after the new employees complete their three-month milestone at your company for improved retention. Onboarding duration depends on a host of factors, but research suggests employees can benefit more from longer, structured onboarding processes.

For some organizations, onboarding and orientation are one and the same. But orientation is meant to be a one-time event, while onboarding is a process that should last at least 90 days. Orientation activities, such as completing new-hire paperwork and discussing benefits, are just a small part of what onboarding should entail. Depending on your company’s size and needs, a successful onboarding program will likely include orientation, job-specific training, introductions, culture acclimation and follow-ups.

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